起點 The beginning回想2004的6月,應該是梅雨季吧!是個起始點雨總是不停歇,整個人感覺快要發霉%#@...一點工作的慾望都沒有,只好找些不用大腦的瑣事做開始翻箱倒櫃漫無目的整理起來約40分鐘吧!哪個櫃子,哪個抽屜小型辦公室已不記得了,老梅花麥錶就這樣被翻出來,皮錶帶長了霉,剎時變成一條絨布帶,我拿起pledge經過一番擦拭後如新般亮眼。上發條就是不動,“為什麼”的好奇心被觸動就這麼找到將他大卸八塊的好理由,但連個起子也沒有該如591何呢?我開始上網找尋拆解腕錶所需工具,工具沒找到卻上了鐘錶技術訓練課程我越深入越是被他所吸引,不只是外在的美感連內部結構都如此吸引我,複雜的齒輪傳動結構、擺輪透過游絲優美的律動、擒縱結構、小至0.06公分的室內裝潢螺絲....等,將上百個零件精細巧妙的安排,讓原本冰冷零件活脫的動起來,就像是有生命的藝術品。能讓人不著迷嗎?ps.我的TITONI已經能動了,太久沒洗澡^^"When I recalled in June 2004, it was supposed to be Taiwan房屋買賣’s rainy season.It’s the beginning of my watch career.Rain kept falling and seems not to stop, it made me moldy…%#@... I didn’t have any motif to work, so I found some trivial thing that didn’t 酒店打工need my brain to do.Without any purpose, I put my drawer’s stuffs in order about 40 minutes. I didn’t recall which drawer or closet.I took a pledget to clean the watch and it became shiny as new 建築設計one.But it’s spring didn’t work. I was motivated by my curiosity. That’s the good reason that I tried to disassemble it. But how can I do without a screwdriver. I tried to find out the tool which 房地產can remove watch in Internet. I didn’t find tools but was intrigued by the clock technical training classes. The deeper I was in watch world , the more I was touched. Not only its outer beauty 土地買賣but the interior structure also attracted me so much. The structure of gear wheel transmission, the graceful rhythm of balance wheel’s hairspring,the structure of seizure escapement, the screw of 買屋minimum 0.06 cm etc.Arranging hundreds of Accessories skillfully and let the cold accessory move, just like a art work that has life. Isn’t it fascinating ?ps. My TITONI works, it didn’t take shower 租辦公室since long time ago.

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